إخوانـــي وأخواتـــي أعضاء منتدانا الـغـالـي
{~ أقــــدم لكم ~}
Ting! v1.24 Symbian^3
لاظهار صوره المتصل بكامل الشاشه عند استقبال او ارسال مكالمه او استقبال رساله ما لك الا برنامج Ting! v1.24 و يعمل بسلاسه مع الهاتف.
Main application features:
- Full Screen slideshow of a caller's photos during incoming call
- Full Screen slideshow of a contact's photos during outgoing call
- Full Screen slideshow of a sender's photos during incoming SMS/MMS
- Name and contact details are shown during incoming/outgoing calls
- You can modify pictures associated with a contact
- Easy and comfortable in use
ONLY FOR Symbian^3 Devices
البرنامج يدعم فقط السيمبيان^3
Main application features:
- Full Screen slideshow of a caller's photos during incoming call
- Full Screen slideshow of a contact's photos during outgoing call
- Full Screen slideshow of a sender's photos during incoming SMS/MMS
- Name and contact details are shown during incoming/outgoing calls
- You can modify pictures associated with a contact
- Easy and comfortable in use
ONLY FOR Symbian^3 Devices

..تمت التجربة ..

لـتحميل البرنامج اضغط هناااااااا
نهاية الموضوع